Nablus– For the second consecutive month, the Palestinian Telecommunication “Paltel”, a company of PalTel group, presented monthly prizes to the winners in ADSL prizes campaign at Paltel Center in Ramallah and Gaza with the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Telecom and Information Technology, the winners, ADSL service providers and a group of VIPs.
Both the Chief Commercial Officer Mr. Rami Shamshoum and Gaza Chief Officer Eng. Ahmad Abu Marzouq presented the prizes to the winners.
The second drawing of prizes was held at the headquarters of Paltel General Administration. The winners are: Ziad Abdullah Mohammad Jarghoun from Gaza with PIS/Hadara service provider who won an LG LCD, Laila Ibrahim Abu-Sel from Khan Younis with PIS/Hadara service provider who won an LG refrigerator, Huda Sameeh Ahmad from Ramallah with Palnet/Hadara who won a Beko oven, Khadeejah Salim Bukhari from Nablus with Speed Tick service provider who won a Play Station. In addition, six prizes of ADSL speed upgrade were awarded to: So’ad Eisa Sansour from Bethlehem with Al-Barq net service provider, of the Palestinian Farmers Union from Ramallah with Palnet/Hadara service provider, Fawzi Audeh Abu-Reideh from Khan Younis with PIS/Hadara service provider, Khalid Abu-Hasseireh from Gaza with Dora Net service provider, Alam Tawfeeq Joma’a from Ramallah with Easy Net service provider and Qasem Ahmad Audeh from Jenin with Super Link service provider.
Eng. Mohannad Al-Hejawi, Paltel General Manager, noted that reaching this advanced level in ADSL service while facing all challenges and difficulties in a short time is considered a qualitative transition that reflects the significant progress achieved by Paltel in ADSL service, which proved wide popularity throughout Palestine, as well as its continuous provision of the best quality services.
Mr. Rami Shamshoum, the Chief Commercial Officer at Paltel, said that the launch of ADSL prizes campaign stems from Paltel’s belief in honoring and motivating its subscribers, as it used to offer qualitative and distinguished services and campaigns which enhance its leading role.
He also emphasized that the campaign is still continuing and that monthly draws will be made on many prizes till the end of 2009. All subscribers of home ADSL service have the chance to win.
The winners expressed their overwhelming happiness on this occasion, stressing that Paltel has contributed significantly to the welfare of subscribers and that it provides them with the best services through various campaigns, valuable prizes and activities to meet their requirements and needs. In addition, they expressed their appreciation to the Palestinian Telecommunication Company “Paltel” for granting these prizes.