Nablus, Paltel launched a contest with the Ministry of Education and the Palestinian Artists Union. At the contest the children will draw different painting to reflect the work of Paltel to develop their skills, polish them and make them participate in their opinions about Paltel and its valuable economic and social role in Palestine.
Mr. Ghassan Anabtawi, GM’s Assistant for Commercial Affairs at Paltel said: “the launching of this contest comes as part of the Social Responsibility role that Paltel has been playing since few years to develop the Palestinian community and foster the young peoples’ interests in many fields. Caring about our children’s artistic interest is not less important than getting our telephone and internet services to the community. Our children need support especially under the difficult living situations they are experiencing. They need an outlet to express their emotions by drawing. Anabtawi added that Paltel will use the winning painting in its campaigns to encourage the children and make them feel that their paintings are of value which will increase their self-confidence.
It is expected that a huge number of children under the age of 12 will participate through the different centers of Paltel all over Palestine. A special committee with representatives from Paltel, the Ministry of Education and the Palestinian Artists Union will choose the winning painting. Paltel will also organize a three day exhibition at its premises to show the winning paintings. It will also offer the children with presents and incentives among which is an enrollment in a training course that is organized by the Palestinian Artists Union.
It is worth mentioning that Paltel is supporting many activities in the fields of culture and arts. For example, Paltel is supporting a virtual gallery project at BirZeit University which is an electronic website for artists. Paltel also supported the four murals in Jordan last year. The mural was the output of many Palestinian Artists inside Palestine and in the diaspora.